Nina Carter Cohen, MA, NCC, LPCC
Licensed Professional Counselor Candidate

My first experience with therapy was as a client. I have been on my own journey to face and heal from family-of-origin traumas, and how they affected every aspect of my life, particularly as a partner and a parent. It is my fundamental belief that I can't take my clients where I've not been willing to go myself. Therefore, I'm committed to living a life of continued self-reflection and growth, and I will count it a joy and privilege to "pay forward" my experiences for your benefit.

I'm not unfamiliar with the grief and loss which come with major life transitions: I experienced a divorce after 29 years of marriage and learned to embrace my new identity as a single woman in her fifties. I was part of a faith system which I shifted away from after nearly 40 years. It was a long process of soul-searching and asking questions I never thought I'd ask. But it became clear that I needed to embark on a new spiritual journey to explore what values and beliefs fit my new life.

In the background of all these experiences was the consistent safety of the counseling room. Through commitment to self-reflection with trustworthy, non-judgmental therapists, who would gently challenge me when necessary, I was able to reclaim my authentic self, and learn to love and accept myself as I am—"warts and all." Like all of us, I'm a work in progress, but I'm immensely grateful for how far I've come.

All of this led me to apply to graduate school at age 57 in order to pursue a new career in my true passion and calling as a therapist. As I earned a Masters in Clinical Mental Health Counseling over four years, I learned the professional tools to come alongside others as they face a variety of issues and commit to self-reflection and change. I am especially interested in supporting LGBTQIA+ folx on their journeys, and helping people of all backgrounds cope with grief and loss, spiritual/religious concerns, life transitions, and relationship issues.

Currently I live in Longmont, Colorado, with my doggie, Dweezil, who regales me with his antics and makes me laugh every day. (Isn't he adorable?) In the morning you can find me conquering the New York Times crossword puzzle with a sharp pencil in one hand and a rapidly-cooling mug of coffee in the other. While my true happy place is at the ocean, I am never dissatisfied with the majesty of the Rockies. No matter how busy my day is, I will always pause to marvel at the beauty of freshly-fallen snow in winter or the glory of a Colorado sunset any time of year.

I've worn many "hats" in my life but the most important one has been that of Mama to my two adult kiddos, both of whom are forging their own unique paths in the world. They have given me much encouragement as I've forged my own new path; my love and gratitude for them knows no bounds!


Nina Carter Cohen, MA, NCC, LPCC
Licensed Professional Counselor Candidate

• B.A. in Psychology; University of California, Santa Cruz
• M.A. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling; Antioch University, New England

• National Certified Counselor
• Licensed Professional Counselor Candidate (#0020206)
  (Under clinical supervision with Joy Lanzano, LPC)

Additional Certifications
• Professional Grief Care
• Envision:You LGBTQ+ Behavioral Health Provider Training
• Narrative-Focused Trauma Care
• Spiritual Direction and the Art of Spiritual Formation

Why "Journey Steps"

There is a pervasive myth in our society that life should follow a linear path. It is not uncommon to hear life stages discussed in terms of milestones, time tables, and benchmarks that correspond with certain ages. This myth can put undue pressure on us, and can even result in making decisions that are not true to our authentic selves.

The old cliché is true—life IS a journey, not a destination. We don't ever "arrive." Hopefully we will be on the journey of self-reflection and growing into more of our authentic selves until our final breaths.

Your journey is unique. Your timetable is unique. You might not have a timetable at all! Or, you might have had an idea of where you were going, but an unexpected sharp left turn seems to have thrown you off course. Rest assured, you are still moving forward, even if it doesn’t feel like it. Sometimes, if you feel "stuck," you'll need to unpack old wounds, traumas, or unfinished business that hold parts of you in the past while other parts are moving forward, creating increasing discomfort for you. Patterns that once served you are now hindering you; and it can be very hard to change those patterns on your own.

You might have some issues you've been aware of for a while and know it's time to dive in and explore them. Perhaps someone has suggested therapy as a way to improve your relationships or help bring more balance to your life. Or maybe you're not sure what you need help with, but you'd like to process your life in a non-judgmental space and see what emerges organically. No matter the impetus, I believe therapy can be an important "next step" on your journey. It would be my pleasure and privilege to help you take that step and then come alongside you on the many more "journey steps" that follow.

Are you ready to take the next steps?
Reach out to me for a free 15-minute consultation.